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Recurrent Miscarriage

With over three years experience in all aspects of infertility treatment at the world-leading Bourn Hall Clinic, Miss Mukhopadhaya is an expert in primary and secondary in both male and female infertility.

She has in-depth knowledge of:

  • Natural cycle monitoring

  • Ovulation induction

  • Intra-uterine insemination


  • Blastocyst transfer and assisted hatching

  • Gamete donation

Miss Mukhopadhaya welcomes patients seeking treatment or advice on all fertility issues. 

Miss Mukhopadhaya runs a dedicated recurrent miscarriage clinic at the L&D Hospital. She trained with the St Mary's team, including field-leaders in recurrent miscarriage before starting her clinic. 



She was the Principal Investigator for the National PROMISE trial.

She is strongly committed to supporting women with a history of recurrent miscarriage in early pregnancy with both medication and operative techniques, including:

  • Use of progesterone, aspirin and heparin

  • Insertion of cervical cerclage

  • Reassurance scans

  • High success rates


General Gynaecology

General gynaecological treatment has been at the heart of Miss Mukhopadhaya's practice.

She is an expert in the medical and surgical treatment of:

  • Miscarriages

  • Ectopic Pregnancies

  • Menorrhagia

  • Fibroids

  • Uterine anomalies

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Endometriosis

  • Paediatric Gynaecology

  • Menopause

Emergency Gynaecology

Miss Mukhopadhaya is the Lead Consultant for emergency gynaecology at the L&D Hospital and provides a safe and responsive service to all her patients requiring emergency gynaecological surgery, such as:


  • Severe pain and/or bleeding

  • Bleeding in pregnancy

  • Excessive vomiting in pregnancy

  •  Symptoms of pelvic inflammatory disease

  • Post-op complications

and all other emergencies encountered by couples during the pregnancy. 

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